Category: Sustainable transport

    siluett av stadsbild stockholm

    How to increase the use of carshare

    We need to use society's and nature's resources efficiently to achieve our climate goals. Carshare programs are a good example of how we can make resource-efficient use of the car's functionality without owning...

    Sustainable transport
    3e platsen kan innehålla en uteservering

    Third places develop our cities

    You can say that 2030 came already 2020. As usual when major crisis hit the human, development takes a big step forward. It happened during the Spanish flu, and during the cholera epidemics that hit Europe. In ...

    Sustainable transport
    Trivector System AB / Vävaregatan 21 / 222 36 Lund / +46 (0)10-4565600 /

    About Trivector

    Trivector consists of three subsidiaries – each specialising in a particular area. Trivector offers services within the areas of transport, IT-systems and business development. The Trivector group consists of Trivector Traffic, Trivector System and Trivector LogiQ.

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